As a woman once reminded her a long time ago, the common denominator in all the terrible things that have happened to you is you. When Reyes’s life sentence is unexpected commuted and released from prison, Paris is threatened in two directions – a murder charge in the death of a husband she loved and the truth behind a long-ago murder. Things We Do in the Dark Quotes Showing 1-30 of 35 Because while you can reinvent yourself, you can’t outrun yourself. Ruby Reyes – known as the Ice Queen, a convicted murderer sentenced to life in a trial that riveted Canada twenty-five years ago – is writing Paris, claiming to know the truth and threatening to reveal her past. It’s her long hidden past, the past that she’s buried for decades, that threatens to destroy her present and any chance of a future. Paris Peralta is suspected of killing her celebrity husband, and her long-hidden past now threatens to destroy her future. But as bad as this looks, it’s not the inevitable murder charge that worries her the most. Things We Do in the Dark is a brilliant new thriller from Jennifer Hillier, the award-winning author of the breakout novels Little Secrets and Jar of Hearts. Paris Peralta is arrested in her own bathroom – she’s covered in blood, holding a straight razor, her dead celebrity husband in the bathtub behind her.

Minotaur, 27.99 (352p) ISBN 978-6-7 At the start of this taut if flawed psychological thriller from Hillier ( Little Secrets ), the.

A brilliant new thriller from Jennifer Hillier, the award-winning author of the breakout novels Little Secrets and Jar of Hearts – when Paris Peralta is suspected of killing her celebrity husband, her long-hidden past threatens to destroy her future. Things We Do in the Dark Jennifer Hillier.