They arrive to the factory, and the investigation begins, as the first part of the story ends. Why would she make such a thing? He then called Commissaire Charas, and explained the happenings, and then they went to the factory, where his brother’s house was, and where he was making his experiments. First he doesn’t believe, he neither understands his sister-in-law.

Her voice is quite distressed, she asks Francois for help, and to call the police. She calls to confess the crime that she did, she killed her husband Andre, with a steam hammer. While explaining this disturbing feeling, Helene, his brother’s wife, calls him. It makes him feel like someone came into his room without asking, and this is even worse at home. The story begins with a monologue of Francois Delambre, one of the protagonists, when he explains how annoyed he becomes when the telephone starts to ring at the office. I was really surprised, because the Playboy magazine is not famous for its sci-fi short stories. This short story was published as an article in the June edition of the Playboy magazine in 1957. It’s not exactly wanted from me, but I think the aim of it is the same, to read literary works, analyse them, work with them, and write down our ideas. So at last I came up with the idea, that if there are so many websites about the movies, then I should watch them, after that write my own ideas about the story itself and compare it with its screen adaptations, how these directors rethought it and how these movies give back the feeling of reading it. Unfortunately almost all the reviews, references are about the movie remakes, I only found some mentions and comments on the book, so I didn’t have enough material to write this essay.

After I finished it, I started to search for websites, and I realised soon, that the only useful one is on Wikipedia. The story was very interesting, I enjoyed every minute of reading, although I’m not really into reading. Unfortunately I was wrong with the second part. I have chosen this short story, because it seemed quite an interesting story, and as it has multiple screen adaptations, I thought it wouldn’t be a problem to find fifteen websites dealing with it.